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How to Install Xex Menu 1.2 Without Jtag

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    DashLaunch 3.19 updates:

    - add 17526 dashboard support


    Download DashLaunch 3.19

    How to use:

    To install copy to your Xbox 360, then run the application with XEX Menu or FreeStyle Dash and follow the on screen instructions.

    Overview - what it does

    - It will launch a XeX or CON file from the path you specified in launch.ini
    as long as it's valid
    - Depending on the button you hold when the xbox is trying to load the NXE, it
    will divert to the xex/con tied to that button or return to default as
    defined in launch.ini
    - Depending which button is held when closing miniblade in NXE (use Y button to
    close, release then hold a QL button) it will quick launch a CON or XEX
    from your ini file
    - allows one to patch kernel/xam at bootup with a freeBOOT patch style bin file
    from usb or hdd (in that order) must be in root of the device and be named
    "kxam.patch" and be no larger than 0x4000 bytes. Again, kxam.patch binary
    format is the same as a compiled freeboot patch bin, but uses real virtual
    addresses rather than offsets - see 1.0 release for a windows patch builder
    - with the included patch set, launch.xex acts as a helper to detect when
    xbox1 emulator loads, allowing memory unlock patch and xbox1 emulator
    to function together.

    Note: This thread now merges together the 20 or so other threads we had for each Dashlaunch release.

  1. to insaneNutter: if i using fbBuild 0.1 is this also a freebot that compatible to dashlaunch 2.05? can it play new game like assassin creed brotherhood?




  2. Yes this only works with a 12611 dash built with fbBuild 0.1.

    All AP2.5 games work at the time of posting when played from the hard drive.

  3. Dash Launch 2.06 for FreeBoot 12611 built with fbBuild 0.1 or 0.11

    Whats new:

    - update to fbbuild 0.11 patches
    - fixed bug with fatal freeze options
    - changed installer to use zeropair CB version to determine patch set
    - added new options dvdexitdash and xblaexitdash
    - added regionspoof, dvdexitdash and xblaexitdash to ini updater
    - added instructions to this readme regarding boot time buttons and diagnosing non-ASCII ini files

    How to use:

    Ensure you hacked nand was built with FbBuild 0.1 or 0.11

    To install copy to your Xbox 360, then run the application with XEX Menu or FreeStyle Dash and follow the on screen instructions.

    Download Dash Launch 2.06 for FreeBoot 12611 built with fbBuild 0.1 / 0.11

    Attached Files:

  4. joepx

    joepx Member

    Nov 25, 2010
    Likes Received:
    I have fb12611 installed but not dash launch.

    Do i need to install dashlaunch to run any AP2.5 game from the internal HD? The only one I have tried so far is fable3 installed using iso2god which ran fine
    and didnt raise any warnings in XVal2.0. Or is this for external HD? or ?

  5. fb12611 has the AP2.5 patch already so you should be fine.
  6. Dash Launch 2.07 for FreeBoot 12611 built with fbBuild 0.1 or 0.11

    Whats new:

    - fixed media center extender
    - added option "nosysexit"

    How to use:

    Ensure you hacked nand was built with FbBuild 0.1 or 0.11

    To install copy to your Xbox 360, then run the application with XEX Menu or FreeStyle Dash and follow the on screen instructions.

    Download Dash Launch 2.07 for FreeBoot 12611 built with fbBuild 0.1 / 0.11

    Attached Files:

  7. DvineD

    DvineD Member

    Dec 3, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Hi InasneNutter.

    I need help, I run the program on my JTAG, it sais the files are already there, and push a button to shut down.

    Before all this, I edited the launch.ini and putt it in the root of HDD1 (I think that's the one). The one where all the data is.

    No matter what button is pushed, what dash is set to boot as default - nothing is happening, can you advise?


  8. DvineD

    DvineD Member

    Dec 3, 2010
    Likes Received:
    I still need help.

    I have not put my nand through fbbuild 0.11 again, since I just did the upgrade to 12611, where you already did this. Or am I mistaken here? As states above, it sais it doesn't need to upgrade.

    This is my info_launch.ini - placed at \\hdd1\info_launch.ini

    ; example entry
    ; Default = Hdd:\FreeStyle\default.xex
    BUT_A = hdd:\Apps\FSD\default.xex
    BUT_B =
    BUT_X = Hdd:\Content\0000000000000000\C0DE9999\00080000\C0DE99990F586558
    BUT_Y =
    Start =
    Back =
    LBump =
    ; Default is what loads when you hold no buttons
    ; leave this blank if you want NXE as default
    Default = hdd:\Apps\FSD\default.xex

  9. You need to rename info_launch.ini to launch.ini

    If you built you nand with fbBuild 0.1 you will be given the option to update to the patches included with 0.11

  10. Dash Launch 2.08 for FreeBoot 12611 built with fbBuild 0.1 or 0.11

    Whats new:

    - correcting for a glitch where launchdata should be cleared between titles but
    isn't; fixes launching some games twice in a row (thanks stk and FSD!)

    How to use:

    Ensure you hacked nand was built with FbBuild 0.1 or 0.11

    To install copy to your Xbox 360, then run the application with XEX Menu or FreeStyle Dash and follow the on screen instructions.

    Download Dash Launch 2.08 for FreeBoot 12611 built with fbBuild 0.1 / 0.11

    Attached Files:

  11. Dash Launch 2.09 Beta for FreeBoot 12611 - min dashboard version check removed

    Whats new:

    v2.09 (beta)
    - moved strictly to C, much smaller DLL
    - correct bug with busy CON/sometimes ignoring ini for boot time default item
    - made boot time quick launch buttons more reliable
    - added 1s delay to resolve autologin at boot issue and slower USB hdd issues
    - patches updated to remove min version check (DA2)

    Games such as Dragon Age 2 will now work without been patched / requiring an update to a new FreeBoot

    How to use:

    Ensure you hacked nand was built with FbBuild 0.1 or 0.11

    To install copy to your Xbox 360, then run the application with XEX Menu or FreeStyle Dash and follow the on screen instructions.

    Download Dash Launch 2.09 Beta for FreeBoot 12611 built with fbBuild 0.1 / 0.11

    Attached Files:

  12. fragsnipa

    fragsnipa New Member

    Mar 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    i updated my dash launch to 2.09 and i still cant play mlb2k11 any reason why
  13. How are you playing the game? i think it only works for loading games off the hard drive, not off a DVD.
  14. Thank you very much. DA2 stopped to require an update after deleting system update folder from the game's directory on the hard drive.
  15. This appears to work with any game that needs the 12625 dashboard if the game is run from a games on demand container, people have reported problems with XEX Menu / Freestyle.
  16. Dash Launch 2.10 Beta for FreeBoot 12611 - disables system updates on discs

    Whats new:

    * reworked hooking to be a bit more dynamic and simpler to update
    * ini parser fixed, glitch when comment line last line with no blank line after (thanks Toddler!)
    * disables updaters (DA2 and other disks; safety)
    * minor tweaks to boot time delays, further improves on previous autologin issue


    This appears to cause Xbox 1 games to crash / reboot the console.

    How to use:

    Ensure you hacked nand was built with FbBuild 0.1 or 0.11

    To install copy to your Xbox 360, then run the application with XEX Menu or FreeStyle Dash and follow the on screen instructions.

    Download Dash Launch 2.10 for FreeBoot 12611 built with fbBuild 0.1 / 0.11

    Attached Files:

  17. Dash Launch 2.11 Beta for FreeBoot 12611

    Whats new:

    Fixed Xbox 1 games to crashing / rebooting the console.

    How to use:

    Ensure you hacked nand was built with FbBuild 0.1 or 0.11

    To install copy to your Xbox 360, then run the application with XEX Menu or FreeStyle Dash and follow the on screen instructions.

    Download Dash Launch 2.11 for FreeBoot 12611 built with fbBuild 0.1 / 0.11

    Attached Files:

  18. Aznel

    Aznel New Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    Likes Received:
    This version have the keyvault hash check removed?
    I find it only for 2.08 version.
  19. I really dont know, I always thought that was just in a hacked version of FB-Build.

    If it was in the official Dashlaunch 2.08 then it should be in this, however I think that was a modified version of 2.08

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How to Install Xex Menu 1.2 Without Jtag
